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Zapier Integration keeps track and allows you to manage and monitor customer usage. Many companies also have other tools for managing customers, like CRM tools or credit card processing like Stripe. We have a Zapier integration that allows you to automate the synchronization and management of contacts.

Example Scenarios

###Updating Tokens on Stripe transaction If you have paid services, when someone makes a subscription or purchase on Strips you can create that customer and allocate them the right number of tokens in to enable LLM features. This can be triggered using the Stripe invoice_paid or subscription_updated events in Zapier and call our create customer and update token actions.

Get Notified When Customers Have Low Token Balance

If you want to alert of upsell customers who are getting low on allowed tokens, we have a "Low Token" trigger. This trigger gives you a chance to send emails or notify your CRM so that sales or support can contact them and rectify or upsell that client on more tokens.

Get Notified When a Customer Makes Their First Call

When customers (based on the customer id you pass) are first seen by LLMAsAService we expose a trigger in Zapier so you can respond. This might be to contact them or to update the token count allowance depending on your business needs.

Authenticating in Zapier

To secure your project, you need to authenticate in Zapier before any "Zaps" can be made. We use API Keys to secure this interaction.

Zapier authentication

Within our control panel, navigate to and locate the API Key panel, it looks like this

Getting integration API keys

When using our Zapier integration, you will need to copy (use the Copy buttons) ONE of the keys, and the project ID credentials. Treat these like passwords. We give you two keys so that you can be operating on one while you rotate the other, but you just need to pick one for Zapier.

Getting started

In the Integration API page, the Zapier embedding tools at the bottom give direct access to your current Zaps and also templates we publish to help get you started. You will need a Zapier account and will see a Login button if you haven't already signed-in to Zapier.

Once signed in, you will be able to work directly with Zapier from this page (or go to Zapier directly in another browser tab and work there, this is just a convenience). Here is my instance -

Zapier Integration

Want help?

We are continually finding new use cases for Zapier and our public API. If you have ideas or simply want advice, email us at and we'll work with you.